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我有耶穌在我心 I Have Jesus In My Heart

耶穌活著Jesus Is Alive  

一句話 One Word

陽光,小雨 Sunshine, Rain
祝福歌  The Song Of Blessing
耶穌的愛 Jesus' Love
把握每個今天 Seize Today
祢是  You Are
祂必然成全 He Will Do It For You
領我親近祢 Draw Me Close To You
主耶和華是我力量 The Lord Is My Strength
親愛的聖靈 Dear Holy Spirit
單單愛祢 Love You Alone
當你進入我心 When You Come Into My Heart
同心合意 Unity
耶和華是我牧者The Lord Is My Shepherd
引導 Guide Me  
因為有愛 Because Of Love
主的名  The Lord's Name
主能夠  God Is Able
聖潔神羔羊Holy Lamb Of God
主的靈  The Spirit Of The Lord
無比的愛 Unparalleled Love
讚美 Sing Praise
主是我的福份 The Lord Is My Portion
我要倚靠祢 I'll Trust In You
不一樣 I'll Never Be The Same Again
約定  The Covenant
​It's Wonderful To Have You In My Life

我活著是為敬拜祢 I Live To Worship You

稱頌至高神 Exalted The Lord On High

Let The World Hear The Gospel

耶穌 Jesus
惟誇主十架 Boasting Only In The Cross
天父顧念我 God Will Take Care Of Me
在祢面前(主同在) In Your Presence
感謝主耶穌 Thank You Lord, Jesus
我祈願 I Pray
看見幸福 Happiness
真愛 True Love
願你蒙福 May God Bless You
我神真偉大 How Great Is Our God
神的應許 God's Promises
揚聲讚美 Blessed Be The Lord
神羔羊掌權 The Lamb of God  Reigns Forever
愛我到底 Love Me To The End
奉主耶穌聖名 In The Name Of Jesus
祝福的承諾 The Promise of Blessing
獻上自己 Give Myself To Thee
信心 Faith
敬畏等候神 Fear and Wait Upon The Lord
祝福器皿 A Blessing Vessel
耶和華神已掌權 Jehovah Has Reigned